End of Year Congratulations!

3D World has come to a close (although the world never closes!) and we congratulate the following students for their simply stellar attendance records!


  • Chanell Powerbird
  • Steevenson Powerbird
  • Morgan Powerbird
  • Sergio Powerbird
  • Taliya Powerbird


  • Brandon Tigerbird
  • Jefry Tigerbird
  • Kyra Tigerbird
  • Tahjir Tigerbird
  • Andres Tigerbird


  • AleanaE Lionfrog
  • Sebastian Lionfrog
  • Rafael Lionfrong
  • Raul Lionfrog


  • Dimitrios Eelcub


  • Imari Dragondog


  • Shamari Tigerhawk


  • Ben Thunderhawk
  • Fayak Thunderhawk


  • Jose Salmonhound
  • Matthieu Salmonhound


Learning in Another Dimension: 3D World is back!

3D World is an immersive educational game environment where you’ll collaborate, explore, and learn through interactive virtual lessons. This year you’ll develop real-world skills like critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.

To kick things off, Lesson 1 will focus on:

  • Learning 3D World controls and navigation
  • Choosing your own avatar
  • Practicing communication skills

Lesson 1 begins on October 23rd and runs for two weeks until November 3rd. This extended time will allow everyone to get fully set up before diving into more advanced concepts. Click on the Weekly Activities link in the menu above to see more.

Take 1-2 periods per week to review the lesson objectives and materials IRL (In Real Life). Understanding the goals beforehand is key to success in the virtual classroom.

Please reach out to Charles Gerber, Charles Bender, and/or Cara Coffina to let us know when your classes plan to be “in-world”. We want to make sure you feel comfortable in the 3D World platform. Remember, the (3D) World is yours!

Apartment Design Contest Winners

Every year, during Lesson 20: Open House…Meet the Neighbors, we hold a contest to determine the most beautifully designed apartment (both single unit and whole building). We consider such factors as furniture placement, groceries, decorations, originality, and more.

This year the winners are (drum roll, please)

Single Apartment Winner: Apartment #1 of Bedford Grove Apartments (Nemesis TigerBird of 811K)

Whole Building Winner: Bedford Grove Apartments (TigerBirds of 811K)

Congratulations to the 811K TigerBirds for winning both categories. The prize is naming rights to any location in 3D World!

Check out Bedford Grove apartments #2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 as well.