End of Year Congratulations!

3D World has come to a close (although the world never closes!) and we congratulate the following students for their simply stellar attendance records!


  • Chanell Powerbird
  • Steevenson Powerbird
  • Morgan Powerbird
  • Sergio Powerbird
  • Taliya Powerbird


  • Brandon Tigerbird
  • Jefry Tigerbird
  • Kyra Tigerbird
  • Tahjir Tigerbird
  • Andres Tigerbird


  • AleanaE Lionfrog
  • Sebastian Lionfrog
  • Rafael Lionfrong
  • Raul Lionfrog


  • Dimitrios Eelcub


  • Imari Dragondog


  • Shamari Tigerhawk


  • Ben Thunderhawk
  • Fayak Thunderhawk


  • Jose Salmonhound
  • Matthieu Salmonhound


Wegmans Field Trip

3D World took a trip to Wegmans Supermarket at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Students made real-world connections to one of our in-world locations, Lynnda’s grocery. Students and staff were engaged in doing a deep dive into what it is to be a customer at a grocery store as well as job opportunities for the future.  We searched aisle by aisle to get a better understanding of how to shop for the best prices and products for our needs. We discussed and practiced the importance of accuracy when purchasing specific items for a position as a “personal shopper” such as Instacart. Students learned how to use the scale and label printer in the produce section so self-checkout will be a breeze! This was a worthwhile experience for our students, they even got to independently attend the cafe area to purchase lunch from a variety of vendors!

This was the first year we did this, and it was a resounding success.


  • getting misted by the vegetable spray mister
  • weighing produce on the customer scale
  • seeing the live lobster tank
  • big fish on ice!
  • stinky cheese counter
  • salami
  • overhead model train (“Wegmans Express”)
  • snack aisle/cereal aisle/candy aisle!
  • talking to customer service
  • eating lunch in the lounge,
  • and more.

Enjoy some photographs.